
[It Kills Me] by Lil Pitchy Song review : An Emotional Journey Wrapped in Catchy Melodies

[It kills me] by Lil Pitchy 

Hey! Riff here, bringing you the song review of Lil Pitchy's "It Kills Me".
What better way to kick off my first song review than with an obscure gem that only a handful of people know about? 
Without further ado, let's hop in!

Image source: Spotify


Artist: Lil Pitchy, Roomie

Release Date: September 24, 2021

Genre: Pop

Label: N/a


1. It Kills Me

Overall Impression

I really love this song. The lyrics are pretty serious and sad, but the beat and melodies are so upbeat, creating an ironic atmosphere. It's a compelling contrast that adds depth to the listening experience.

The overall melodies are a great choice. They strike a balance between being casual enough to listen to at any time and catchy enough to stick in your head. The song effortlessly blends emotional weight with an infectious rhythm that makes it easy to repeat and enjoy over and over again.

The lyrics are not too cheesy yet simple enough to remember, which adds to the song's appeal. They convey a poignant message about the struggle of ending a relationship when the feelings have changed, but there's still care and concern for the other person. This emotional complexity is wrapped in a package that's easy to sing along to, making the experience both moving and enjoyable.

The chorus, in particular, stands out. It's especially good and catchy, inviting listeners to sing along. The repetition of "Doing this, doing this to you, it kills me" is powerful, highlighting the pain and difficulty of breaking someone's heart. It's a perfect blend of melancholy and melody that resonates deeply.

In summary, "It Kills Me" is a fantastic song that combines serious, heartfelt lyrics with upbeat, catchy melodies. It's a song that you can listen to casually but also appreciate for its emotional depth. The ironic juxtaposition of sad lyrics and happy tunes makes it unique and memorable, a track that stands out in any playlist.

Rating:  [9 out of 10] 

What did you think of the song? Do you agree with my rating? 
Drop your thoughts in the comments – I’d love to hear your take!


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